SPX 2013 was pretty great! Our table was at the end of a small hallway at the end of the back corner, so not the ideal location, we definitely lost some foot traffic. And Nick and I accidentally ended up sharing our half table with like 4 other people, (one of whom is now our arch enemy), but pretty great expo besides that!
I don't have a camera, but friends took some pics (Thanks guys!) There's actually a great picture of Nick and I wearing sunglasses indoors, but I can't find it online, so here's this one the lovely Caitlin took!
Portrait of the artist looking confused by: Caitlin Harris 2013
Also! Apparently when you submit your comic for an Ignatz award, even if you don't get to be a nominee, you are automatically considered for the Library of Congress' permanent comics collection!!
Jesus Loves Lesbians, Too Volumes One and Two are finding a permanent home in the Library of Congress!
We are pretty excited about it :)
Next Stop, Massachusetts Independent Comics Expo (MICE) in Cambridge, MA Sept 28-29th!
Then the Locust Moon Fest in Philadelphia, PA Oct 5th!
Come say hi!